Delight Yourself in the LORD

“Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4 

For years, one of my best friends has been delighting herself in the LORD. Quietly, she has traveled the world delivering babies for missionaries, encouraging the downtrodden, helping people get healthy (physically, mentally, and spiritually), and seeking hard after God.

Saturday, we watched as the LORD gave her the desire of her heart.

A husband. A man who loves Jesus. A man that loves her.


She may have waited a decade or more longer than she would have chosen to wait for her husband, but as I stood and watched them say their vows to one another in a beautifully small ceremony, surrounded by those they love – and those who love them – I was so moved by the faithfulness and kindness of God. Their story is full of it. The details are beautiful. The way He worked it all out, the ways that they’re perfect for each other, the dreams he fulfilled…it’s truly extraordinary and beautiful and wonderful. But it’s not a likely story. It’s not a “well, obviously” kind of story. It is truly a God-ordained, no-other-way-to-explain-it kind of story. And those, friends, are His specialty.

It doesn’t matter how likely what you’re waiting on might seem. He isn’t bound by how likely something may be to happen. He’s not bound by probability or chance. He is God. He is the way-maker. He is the miracle worker. He is the dream-fulfiller.

And He makes things happen in the sweetest way at the perfect time.

So, if you’re in a season of waiting today, take heart. Because this is just a season, and the season of waiting will come to an end suddenly. And if the LORD has already given you the desires of your heart, remember to enjoy them today, and to take the time to say thank you, because there was a time, not too long ago, when you were waiting for what you now have.

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